Kia Ora From Auckland

Posted 9 years ago

We couldn’t have asked for better weather, a crisp blue sky provided an awesome back drop to the tree lined approach that formed the start of this years DGR.

The meet point was the historic Cornwall Park, gifted to the city by a man known by his contemporaries as “the father of Auckland” and one of Auckland’s earliest gentleman.

On a Sunday morning the park is full of families and fitness fanatics out making most of the day and the environment, the morning of the DGR it was different.

An estimated 300 riders left Cornwall park and travelled through the eastern suburbs to our halfway point, before we launched our parade along Auckland’s waterfront, 8kms of gentle winding road, cafes on one side, beach goers on the other, we passed through the lower C.B.D and into the central suburbs with the ride concluding at Auckland’s Museum of Transport and Technology, where the ladies and gentlemen of the ride and their supporters enjoyed the afternoon with “lite” refreshments and the music of the Darcy Perry Blues band.

There are many people to thank for making this such an amazing day, firstly to those that registered, without your support and fund-raising efforts this ride wouldn’t be the success that it has become. From the riders; a massive thank you to all of those involved with organising the day, finally to the families, thank you for supporting your men

Mucho Aroha

Words By Mike Andrews (DGR Auckland Organiser) | Photography by Alpha Imagery