My Blog
$5000 goal reached and blown away!
Tuesday 23rd Apr 2024Wow. 10 days in Italy on vacation with my beautiful wife, and then I come back and my buddy Cory ( decides to run a fundraising drive on his stream. A developer for add ons for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 called my bluff when I said I'd match donations during the drive, and hit me with another $1000 on top of their previous $500 donation. Thank you to Cando ( and Jonx / Got Friends, TwoSeventy, Hamza, ItzNorcally (, Citizen, and Flyndive.
What's next? At this point we have about four more weeks. We're 5 weeks into the donation period. I think I'm going to go $10,000, and if we make it we do, and if we don't we don't.
We've already broken our fundraising goal three times. Who says we can't do it again.

$3,000 IN 3 DAYS
Saturday 6th Apr 2024You are all amazing. I'm blown away and I got very emotional when we hit the goal yesterday, hence why I didn't post an update tilltoday.
$3,000 goal has been updated to $5,000 since we still have almost a month and a half to fundraise.
I don't know why but I feel like I need to give a photo every update, so here's one after I completed the last ride I did in front of the last bike I rode on (RIP it was stolen and wrecked).

$1,560 RAISED
Thursday 4th Apr 2024YOU! You all have done this for men's mental health and prostate cancer awareness. In 24 hours, we've raised that much money for the cause.
I also never mentioned that one of the foundation's specific focuses is on men's mental health for first responders and veterans, and since the two top contributors so far are a fireman and an Army veteran, I feel like it's necessary to point out that this is a BIG part of the cause.
So thank you again everybody, and let's keep going. Photo attached is after the last ride I participated in, which was disgustingly hot for early may and I'm wearing full armor under my suit.

Thursday 4th Apr 2024To everyone that donated, we're under 24 hours since I started fundraising and we've raised over $800!
You guys are the BEST. Let's keep it going!
Here's a shot of what I'll be riding!

I'm Riding for Men's Health in The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride
Monday 1st Apr 2024 On Sunday the 19th of May 2024, I'm riding in The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride with fellow men and women across the globe to raise funds and awareness for prostate cancer and men's mental health on behalf of Movember. Men die on average 6 years earlier than women and for largely preventable reasons. The number of men that are suffering is growing, and we need to do something about that. So, before I press my tweed and polish my boots, I'm asking you to join me in raising funds and awareness for these causes by donating what you can for this meaningful cause and to help the men we love, live happier and healthier lives.
My Sponsors
Matching the amazing donations from the fundraiser from and the Candonians, especially GotFriends!
$1,264 USD
Got Friends
Let's get him to $5000
$977 USD
Got Friends
Great Fundraiser, Great Cause!
$510 USD
Helen Messemer & David Milliken
Wow! Frank! What a great and worthwhile goal!! Behind you 100%. Love Helen and David
$400 USD
Dan And Carolyn Jones
Ride Frankie Ride!
$310 USD
Mrs. Poops
Love you Frankie!
$208 USD
Cory Simmons
Love from Candonians❤️
$140 USD
Jonathan Becker
$130 USD
Frankie Poops
$114 USD
Bill Rank
$104 USD
$104 USD
Joseph McCarthy
Have a great ride!
$104 USD
Good luck, looks like it'll be a nice day for a ride for a good cause.
$104 USD
Thanks for supporting this cause Frankie! You are a true legend!
$104 USD
Tom Cody
Thank you for doing this
$104 USD
Sue Berger
A great cause!
$104 USD
JP Gemmellaro
<3 You
$104 USD
You're a true gentleman!
$104 USD
Chris Puoplo
$104 USD
Cory Simmons
$100 USD
Mark Lombardo
Good Luck From Glenn, Mark and Tim @ DAIM Resource Group
$100 USD
John Messemer
$100 USD
you have no idea about the weirdness of the math that happened
$73 USD
$62 USD
Jay Perlberg
$62 USD
Giuliana Rank
$62 USD
Elizabeth Keefe
You are awesome! Have a great ride!
$62 USD
Vinny And Linda Puoplo
$52 USD
Alyssa Slayton
$52 USD
Dawn Goecke
$52 USD
Matt Rank
$52 USD
$52 USD
Cheers brother! <3
$52 USD
mr poops you sir are a gentleman.
$52 USD
$52 USD
Byron And Gatsby
$52 USD
Rita Jaklitsch
Great that you’re doing this!
$52 USD
$52 USD
Keep it up! Love you brother!
$52 USD
Nick Puoplo
Good luck!
$52 USD
Hey Frank I hope you enjoy the Ride
$52 USD
Way to go Frankie! Good luck!
$52 USD
Vinny And Linda Puoplo
$52 USD
Two Seventy
this one is for you to not have to match...bless you friend
$42 USD
Let's go Frankie!!!
$31 USD
Sharon Kitroser
Go get em tiger
$26 USD
$26 USD
Mike Ippolito
$21 USD
$21 USD
Robert Kerfoot
$21 USD
$21 USD
Paulie (Bigpapapaulie Wood
Looking forward grabbing a pint with you one day, Chgeers
$21 USD
$21 USD
Two Seventy
$21 USD
Weston Roberts
$21 USD
great cause! - flyndive
$21 USD
Melissa Lima (Paladini)
Way to go! Please tell your Mom I said hello :)
$21 USD
This is a great cause, thank you!!!
$21 USD
Dustin Horvath - PCH Consulting
Well done, Frankie! It is a noble action for an important cause.
$21 USD
Suck a dick sweetheart!
$21 USD
Christine Hobson
$21 USD
Sonya Parthe
Good luck Frank!