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Riding in Style: A Distinguished Way to Support Men's Health

Wednesday 1st May 2024

Ladies, gentlemen, and mustached gentlefolk, on Sunday, May 19, 2024, I'll be hopping on my trusty steed (a motorcycle, not a horse—though the latter would be quite distinguished) to ride in The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride. We'll be strutting our polished boots and pressed tweed around the globe, raising funds and awareness for prostate cancer and men's mental health on behalf of Movember.

Now, why do we do this, you ask? Men tend to shuffle off this mortal coil 6 years earlier than women, often due to largely preventable reasons. We can't let this pattern continue. The number of suffering men is rising, and we need to put our boots down and say, "Enough is enough!"

So, before I shine my shoes and adjust my tie, I ask you to join me in supporting these important causes. Help the men we love live happier and healthier lives by donating what you can. Let's make this a memorable ride, not just for our dashing outfits, but for the lives we can help change.

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Angus Young

$32 USD

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