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$ 849

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My Blog

All shined up and ready to ride…

Friday 17th May 2024

Pre ride show & shine Saturday at All Terrain Motorsports in Grand Junction.

Than the DGR on Sunday...

Look for us on Main St...

Thursday 16th May 2024

Grand Junction locals. This Sunday May 19th., sometime around 12:30 if your downtown. You may notice a group of well dressed Men and Women traveling East bound down Main Street. The group will be taking part in the Distinguished Gentleman's The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride. A global motorcycle event, People around the world riding side by side for mens health. Locally we have participated in the event since 2018. Currently 43 Riders are registered in Grand Junction, with $3227 of our $4000 Fundraising Goal met. With four days left I'm making a final push in my own fundraising to help meet the goal. Help if you can...

Why Grand Junction...

Wednesday 1st May 2024

So my first DGR was in 2017 in Denver, Colorado. I traveled out with some friends the day before. We particpated in a very wet September ride on the Sunday. When the host gave his speech he announced the fund raising amounts of other Colorado city's. Ofcourse Denver being our State capitol had the most riders and funds raised. It was on the way home that I suggested to my friends that we look into hosting a ride at home in 2018. So, I reched out to the Gentlmans ride, and was contacted back with the go ahead to host the ride in Grand Junction. Our first year we had 33 registered riders and raised $3,561.08. 2018 was largest turn out, but we did surpass our fundraising by $90.12 in 2022. I steped away from the host duties in 2023 because I was fighting my own demons. Thats when Scott McCloskey stepped in and brought new excitment to our local ride, with 29 regestered riders raising $3,104.45 for Movember and the DGR. In 2024 Scott and I are cohosting the event and with 20 days to we are currently sitting at 29 registered riders who have already raised $2,236.00. We are on track to making this our best yet. Join us in the ride or by sponsoriing a GJ local. Keep the rubber side down...

Show & Shine

Wednesday 10th Apr 2024

Saturday May 18th at All Terrain Motorsports in Grand Junction from 2:00 to 5:00. The dealership will be doing Demo rides for both Triumph and Indian Motorcycles. Pronto Bronto will be there with the food truck. Tonic Selects Sound System will be spinning some tunes. We will also have a table set up to discuss the Distinguised Gentlmans Ride and a the Movember Foundation. Our hope is to get participants in the Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride to come show of their bikes and help us raise added awareness to the ride. So please come out and talk with us...

Why I ride...

Wednesday 10th Apr 2024

The reason I’ve joined Distinguished Gentleman's Ride for the last eight years isn’t just to get dressed and ride with like minded individuals. I respect the rides goal to raise awareness and funds to help in addressing the 10.8 million men living with or  beyond prostate cancer. I would love to see a solution to cancer not just with men but women as well. The reason I do this ride is for friend who took his own life, and left this world way too soon. In the US, the rate of male suicide is alarmingly high: approximately 4 in 5 suicides are men. The DGR partners with Movember who looks at mental health through a male lens, focusing on prevention, early intervention and health promotion. They are working towards a world where men take action to be mentally well, and are supported by those around them. It’s not that programs don’t exist, It’s getting men comfortable enough to talk to someone. Movember is working to ensure all men and boys look after their mental health and are comfortable to reach out to others for support when they’re struggling. We can’t live in each other’s minds, but we can be there to listen and give a hand up. We can also support foundations that offer resources to help. That’s why I’ll be riding on May 19th for the eighth year. Keep the rubber side down, and open arms to friends and strangers in need…

I'm Riding for Men's Health in The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride

Saturday 23rd Mar 2024

On Sunday the 19th of May 2024, I'm riding in The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride with fellow men and women across the globe to raise funds and awareness for prostate cancer and men's mental health on behalf of Movember. Men die on average 6 years earlier than women and for largely preventable reasons. The number of men that are suffering is growing, and we need to do something about that. So, before I press my tweed and polish my boots, I'm asking you to join me in raising funds and awareness for these causes by donating what you can for this meaningful cause and to help the men we love, live happier and healthier lives.

My Team

Triumph Motorcycles

With 549 Riders

My Sponsors

Matt Brown

$208 USD

Jade Lujan

I Better get a picture to post in the office of you in your pressed tweed and boots!

$104 USD

Sue Olson

$104 USD

Mom Murphy

$62 USD

Cheryl Smith

You truly are a rockstar, Hope you have a great ride!

$62 USD

Shina DuVall

Happy Birthday, old friend! Hope the ride is a success!

$53 USD

Anika, Spencer & Ollie Grant

Go papa shuvit!!!!

$52 USD

Teresa & Bobby Hoffpauir


$52 USD


Thanks for riding!

$26 USD

Kathy Arnold

$21 USD

Lori Lodato

$21 USD


$21 USD

John Manion

$21 USD

John Tonic Grant

$21 USD

$21 USD

Local Ride Sponsors