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Znow jedziemy dla Fundacji DGR!!!

Wednesday 10th Apr 2024
Moi Wspaniali i Piekni Przyjaciele i Znajomi 🙂
Jak co roku, juz po raz szosty tym razem, bede bral udzial w The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride,
W tym roku ten dzien to:
19 Maja 2024 !!!
Obietnice rok temu dana sobie samemu, aby co roku bylo to inne misto, tak dlugo jak starczy mi sil 🙂 spelniam, tak wiec:
W tym roku wybor padl na stolice naszego kraju 🙂
Swe sily polacze, i pojade z innymi Distinguished Gentlemen z Waszawy!!!
Jesi chcecie dowiedziec sie wiecej na temat fundacji: The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride, co robimy i dlaczego to robimy, to wystarczy kliknac na powyzszy link.
A w skrocie: co roku, jednego dnia, w wielu miastach na calym Swiecie, prasujemy nasze marynarki tweedowe, polerujmy buty i pucujemy nasze wspaniale klasyczne motocykle i jedziemy aby zebrac fundusze i pomoc w rozpowszechnianiu swiadomosci na temat raka prostaty, a takze meskich klopotow ze zdrowiem psychicznym.
Niestety, co roku, na calym Swiecie, na raka prostaty umiera ponad 300 tys. mezczyzn a ponad 500 tys. facetow odbiera sobie zycie z powodu klopotow ze zdrowiem psychicznym.
Te liczby powinny sie zmienic na mniejsze, duzo mniejsze i mozemy to zrobic z Wasza pomoca!
Byc moze i jestesmy tzw "twardziele" (byc moze wiekszosc z nas), ale w dalszym ciagu potrzebujemy pomocy, choc nie latwo nam sie do tego przyznac...
Jesli chcielibyscie nam pomoc i wplacic jakakolwiek sume, mala badz duza, i pomoc nam, facetom, to byloby super :-)
Kazda, nawet najmniejsza suma sie liczy i kazda suma, chocby najmniejsza, jest jednakowoz wazna 🙂
Dziekuje bardzo za Wasza pomoc i za Wasze cenne wsparcie 🙂
Ponizej kilka fotek i krotka relacja z Krakowa, ze wspanialego przejazdu w zeszlym roku 🙂

The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride 2024 !!!

Wednesday 10th Apr 2024
My Dear Friends and Acquaintances 🙂
This year, for the 6th time now, I will be taking part in The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride,
This year the date is 19th May 2024
I wanted to keep my promise from last year, and ride in a different city every year, and I will try to do that: every year a different city, as long as I am able to ride my motorcycle 🙂 
I will be joining forces with Gentlefolks from the great City of Warsaw!!!
If you want to know more about DGR, The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride charity, what we do and why we do it every year, please visit the DGR website 
In short: every year on one particular day, in many cities and towns across the World, we dress dapper and ride our classic motorcycles to raise funds and awareness for men's mental health and prostate cancer research.
Sadly, we lose over 300'000 men due to prostate cancer every year and that number is toppled by over half a million men, yes, 500'000, taking their own life due to mental health problems.
We might be tough, but frankly, we still need help too, (although it is hard to admit it)
We need to change that and make those numbers much, much, much lower and help those in need.
This is why The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride was born.
If you would like to donate any small (or big!!!) amount of money to such great cause, it would be brilliant, and if you can not, please share this message further and spread the word.
Thank you for your generosity and for your kindness!
It is much appreciated 🙂
Please see some photos below and a short video from last year ride in Cracow 🙂

My Team

Triumph Motorcycles

With 558 Riders

My Sponsors

John Hering

Robert, Thank you for participating in this important event.

$2,724 USD

Donald Flesnesd

Have a great ride

$555 USD

Hedo Team

Best of luck Robert!

$554 USD

Michael Chu

Thanks for all you do for the Chu family!

$498 USD


Best of luck, Robert!

$281 USD

John Waugh

Enjoy Robert.

$112 USD

Yaron Valler

Well done and good luck Robert!

$112 USD


Best of luck Robert and hope you have fun!

$108 USD

Ewa Mroczek

Good luck 🙂

$79 USD



$68 USD


$66 USD

Richard Caddy

For a worthy cause and a distinguished gentleman whose dedication is admirable.

$66 USD

Marcel & Rosie

Well done Robert!

$54 USD


Powodzenia! JB

$49 USD


Powodzenia 🤞

$45 USD


$45 USD

Joanna And Pawel Jablonski

$45 USD

Morten Kristoffersen

Godspeed, thanks for riding !

$45 USD

Przemek Malek

$45 USD


$45 USD


We love you!

$45 USD

Bob Githuka

Rob good luck with this Noble cause.🙏

$44 USD

Adam Kowalczyk

Wróć w calosci

$44 USD

Jason Ipekdjian

Well done!!

$43 USD


$38 USD

Małgorzata Kołodziejczyk

Musimy to zobaczyć :)

$37 USD


Good luck Robert enjoy

$34 USD

Robert Mroczek

$34 USD

Maja Mroczek

$34 USD

Kasia Makowiecki

$32 USD

Rich Barnes

$28 USD

Joe Hadfield

Well done Robert! A great cause!

$27 USD

Anna Dalecka

Powodzenia Robercie

$23 USD

Krzysztof Dalecki

Powodzenia Prezes

$23 USD

Ravi Dave

Robert, It’s great to see you combine your passion for life and raise money for worthwhile charities. Keep up the good work.

$23 USD

Krzysztof Pawelek

$23 USD

Carly Wells

Well done!!

$23 USD

Marcin Milewski

$23 USD



$22 USD

John Blakey

Go Rob!

$22 USD

Praveen Chawhan

Go into the world and do well and more importantly go into the world and do good. Fits perfectly for you well done!

$22 USD


$22 USD

Simon Teshome

Well done Robert keep up the good work

$22 USD

Brett Flesness

Have fun and ride safe!

$22 USD


Good luck

$21 USD

Joanna Adamou

Best of luck Roberto!!

$14 USD

James Ramsey

Good luck and enjoy

$11 USD

Robert Ritter

Mr Bean or Mr Bond? :)

$6 USD