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I am participating The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride in Belgium

Wednesday 10th Apr 2024

On Sunday May 19, I am participating in The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride with other women and men around the world. In support of Movember we raise funds for scientific research in the area of prostate cancer and men's mental health. Unfortunately, I was affected by prostate cancer, I am grateful for all the efforts done to get to a better treatment. A dearly beloved colleague passed away 6 years ago, it feels like yesterday. We will never forget Joris, so my participation is honouring the fact I got to work with him for many years. Thanks for your support.

My Sponsors


Thinking of you and hoping for a smooth and successful recovery from your cancer treatment. Take care and stay strong!

$168 USD

David Abe

$166 USD

Bridget Blackmon

$166 USD

Shauna O’Handley

$112 USD

Tzvi Gerstl

Great cause! All the best Frank

$112 USD

Emily Tindall

My family has also been touched by prostate cancer. Thank you for raising money for prostate cancer research and for honoring your colleague so well!

$106 USD


$67 USD

Kristof Van Cauwenberghe

$66 USD

Kristof Van Cauwenberghe

$66 USD

Kristof Van Cauwenberghe

$66 USD

Stuart Allibone

$56 USD

Filip Vandewalle

$56 USD

Michel Vanden Broecke

$55 USD

Marc Lammers

Frank, bedankt om Joris niet te vergeten. Thanks !

$55 USD

Frederik De Schrijver

$45 USD

Peter Van Laere

Enjoy the ride Frank!

$45 USD

Jan De Lameillieure

$45 USD

Rob Sneyers

$45 USD

Thijs Van Severen

$45 USD

Jovo Miskin

Frank, You are making a difference! Best of luck on race day! Jovo

$44 USD

Olivier Detaevernier

Enjoy the ride Frank, also for Joris

$44 USD

Glenn Nieuwenhuyse

$44 USD

Joachim Vanhaecke

$44 USD

Kris Claus

$44 USD


$44 USD

Karl Stoll

Talking about men's health is important. We all need to look after ourselves to be able to look after those we care for.

$44 USD


$44 USD

Yves Breemersch

$44 USD

Mike Olson

For Frank and Joris - have a great ride!

$44 USD

Jan De Smet

$44 USD

Tove Moulton

Great cause Frank and Team?

$43 USD

Lesly Naessens

$33 USD

Marino Labeeuw

$22 USD

Franky Bridelance

$22 USD

Wim Ockerman

Enjoy the ride !

$22 USD

Sofie De Cooman

$22 USD

Luc Poorteman

$22 USD

Dirk De Cuyper

$22 USD

Miek Gambart

$22 USD

Baruch Leiman

$11 USD

Robert Strudwick

$11 USD

Filip Verwee

$11 USD

Arthur Goethals

$11 USD